Sebastian battles with Sir Toby, just before Countess Olivia rescues the boy she thinks is “Cesario”, who is really Sebastian’s sister Viola.

Darcy Harman as Sebastian, and Beto Ochoa as Sir Toby.

In 2017, I directed and produced a workshop production of my short play Twelve Nights with Viola & Olivia for the San Diego International Fringe Festival. Here I am, dressed as Feste delivering the opening soliloquy, introducing the main characters, from left to right, Orsino, Olivia, Sebastian, Viola.

Rochelle Gold as Viola, Jacqueline Sailer as Olivia, Darcy Harman as Sebastian, and Beto Ochoa as Orsino.

The play Twelve Nights with Viola & Olivia, features Judith, the talented sister of William Shakespeare, returned to life, as depicted by Virginia Woolf in A Room of One’s Own (1929). Michelle Smith gave a fantastic performance as Judith, as did Rochelle Gold as Viola. Rochelle even got off book; she’s a New York lawyer now. Michelle performs bachata dancing in New Mexico.

Michelle Smith as Judith, and Rochelle Gold as Viola.